About Us
Sungold Organic Farm
Sungold is a family-owned and runs a business. We have practicing organic agriculture since 2007. The six-acre working Tyaba Farm is located at Deh Kakar, Bin Qasim Town, District Malir. You can find us on Google Earth at this page. The Farm is located about 40kms from Karachi city center. Shortly we will be moving to the farm permanently so that we can manage our farm-based business more effectively. Our core mission is to supply fresh organically raised vegetables and poultry (broilers) directly to our customers.
We are committed to sustainable and eco friendly agricultural practices. We also support social, cultural and academic activities in this area. Because of our given focus on organic production, we are very dedicated to cleaning up the Food Supply Chain at all levels of production and distribution.
Guests are welcome to the Farm!
Green Revolution: Going Back to the Basics
Going, going, gone

Why Organic?
Organic agriculture describes a method of farming that sustains the health of people, animals and live stock as well as soil and the ecosystems. It does so by crop rotation, conservation of scarce resources such as water and energy, by not using genetically modified organisms, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and chemical fertilizers.
About Poultry Products
We recently started raising boilers using organic methods, starting with one-day old chicks. Feed consists of natural or organic grains purchased from verifiable producers and organic greens, herbs and vegetables from the farm. Better than 80% of the feed is organic and by mid-2016 we will be feeding the birds a 100 % organic diet.
The chickens graze in the open for at least eight to ten hours a day and generally return to their pens for the period from dusk to dawn. These pens are washed every day and the runoff from this cleaning is used to moisturize the compost heaps.
Inoculation is avoided and the chickens are provided medication only for the New Castle Disease. The rest of it is organic and natural medicines and materials for cure of their ailments.
As the birds are not force fed, their growth cycle goes beyond the conventional five and a half weeks achieved by factory farms to somewhere between 8 and 9 weeks in our case.
The slow natural process of growth along with mostly organic feed and grazing in open spaces makes the meat tasty and certainly a very healthy option to the conventionally raised factory farm produced boilers.
About Vegetable Products
The farming practices at Sungold have been clearly outlined above. We get most of the open pollination seeds from certified organic suppliers based in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia. Some of the seeds are produced on our Farm. We are using some hybrid seeds (perhaps 10% or less) and by the end of 2016 we would have converted to a 100% organic seed based production program.
About The Farm
As part of sustainable agricultural practice for the past eight years, Tyaba Farms does not use any chemicals in the form of fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, growth hormones and enhancers. Before 2007, the farm was untilled for a period exceeding five years. Therefore, any chemicals that may have been in the soil from previous conventional agricultural practices have easily been leached by Nature.
We produce our own compost from barnyard waste obtained from adjoining farms. The period of composting is about 9 months. The Farm is shifting to the use of chicken droppings from our boiler operations which will provide us with a cleaner “raw material” for the composting operation. The birds are only fed organic (more than 80%) and some natural grains and vegetation from the Farm itself. We also use green compost to provide substance to the soil and to rebuild the organic matter in it.
As we have employees that continue to hoe the vegetable beds, we do not use any herbicide.
We produce our own pesticide and insecticide by fermenting using the heat from sun’s rays a combination of tobacco, “akh” plant leaves, stems and its purple/pink blossoms (the stems of “akh” emit a white fluid when snapped), neem berries and leaves, red chilies, garlic and a mild soft soap solution. The soap is used to create a thin film on the pest after it is sprayed so that the effect of the pesticide can materialize.
The method is not a perfect solution for the tough tropical bugs that we have in Malir! However, the spray stuns most of the pests and insects for varying periods. During this period, we hope and pray that Nature’s other creepy crawlies make a midnight meal out of the bad guys. We are thus able to maintain the Natures’ Cycle instead of truncating it by harmful chemical medicine.
We are an equal opportunity employer offering a modest social and economic safety net for our colleagues who work with us on the farm and the distribution system.